Home Asia Jobs that you can legally do as a Nigerian Student in South Korea

Jobs that you can legally do as a Nigerian Student in South Korea


Everybody needs extra cash sometimes- it wouldn’t hurt to make some few dollars monthly as a Nigerian student in South Korea.

However, you need to be careful with the way you go about it so that you don’t violate the terms of your student visa or break any rules that would lead to deportation.

As a Nigerian student in South Korea, here are a few jobs that you can legally do to earn some extra cash.

1. Factory Jobs: South Korea is a highly industrialized country with lots of factories. You can get factory jobs in cities like Seoul, Dongducheon, Pagu, Ansian and Suwon.

Many manufacturing and electronics companies have their outlets in these cities and they employ as many hands as they can find to help with unskilled jobs.

You can earn anywhere between $1,200 and $2, 500 monthly working in factories in South Korea.

2. Teaching Jobs: Although getting a teaching job with a Nigerian passport in South Korea is tough because Nigerians are not considered native speakers of English Language but if you are able to get TESOL certification and tweak your accent a little bit, you would stand a better chance.

Teaching English Language is a very lucrative job in South Korea and you can earn as much as $4, 000 monthly teaching in private or public schools or teaching private clients.

3. Hospitality Jobs: You can also work in the hospitality sector doing manual jobs like dish-washing.

Your job would include sorting and cleaning dishes and glassware, unloading and stacking the cleaned dishes, laundering of dirty napkins, sweeping and mopping the floors, removing trash, refilling salt and pepper shakers and generally assisting the cooks and chefs with keeping the kitchen clean as they work.

You could also get jobs as a janitor in the hospitality sector too.

4. Exportation: South Korea has a lot of products that you can buy cheaply and send to Nigeria for sale. A lot of Nigerians in South Korea make money from this as it is much more lucrative than working at factories or doing any other manual jobs because you can buy some things at giveaway prices and sell them for very good money in Nigeria.

You can sell things like cars, vehicle spare parts, laptops, water dispensers, bicycles, home electronics like Televisions, speakers, DVD players, Fans, Air Conditioning units and mobile phones.

There are a few shipping agents based in Korea and China who can help you ship these things to Nigeria for cheap however, this kind of business requires huge capital outlay because you would need some money to be able to finance the purchase and shipping of these items.

You would also need to have a trustworthy hand in Nigeria who can help you sell or distribute these items and remit your money accordingly so that the business can run perfectly.

5. Online Businesses: These days, the world is just one small global village and you can be living and schooling in South Korea and working for employers in the United States.

As a Nigerian Student in South Korea, don’t just limit your money making opportunities to South Korea alone. Look online for freelancing opportunities or ways to utilise your talents to make money.

You can offer graphic design services, digital marketing, freelance writing, web design, app development, transcription and translation, business plan writing and coaching services.

You can even visit websites like FreelancerFiverr and Upwork to see how you can start selling your services online for top dollars.

6. Work at the University: If you’re lucky, you may be able to work for the university you are enrolled in although these opportunities are usually very rare.

Some universities employ international students to work in different places on campus such as computer centres, libraries, cafeterias and call centres.

7. Personal Grooming Jobs: Gone are the days when hairdressing and offering manicure and pedicure services were exclusively reserved for females. These days, there are many men venturing into the business and even doing it better than women.

If you can learn how to offer these services before you leave the shores of Nigeria, you stand a good chance to earn a lot of money from these services as there are many salons that need extra help and always willing to employ extra hands.

To get a part-time job as a student in South Korea, you need to be alert and sharpen your networking skills.


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